Dec. 7, 2023
The holidays are a time of giving, and our Spiritual Center is currently accepting donations for three local organizations in the Port Huron area:
Wings of the Harbors: Hats, gloves, scarves and socks are still being collected on behalf of The Harbors Residences, a local nonprofit providing emergency shelter, outreach and programs for at-risk young people.
Port of Hopes: Lightly used adult sweaters of all sizes. Port of Hopes is a drop-in center for adults with a mental health diagnosis.
The Dry Dock Recovery Center: Our gracious host is in need of Christmas decorations, coffee, coffee filters, toilet paper, paper towels and hand soap.
A box marked Unity of Blue Water will be available for drop-offs near the front-entrance of the Dry Dock starting Dec. 9. The Dry Dock is located at 412 Huron Avenue, and is open during normal business hours. Donations can also be dropped off from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM during Sunday service.
God bless!