Book Study - A Thousand Names for Joy

Tuesdays 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Sept. 19 to Oct. 24

NOTE: Contact facilitator for meeting location - Cathy Valentine 619-987-2057.

A Thousand Names For Joy:
Living in Harmony with The Way Things Are

By best selling book author Byron Katie

Just like Elkhart Tolle, Byron Katie went through a Satori or Enlightenment experience and never “came back”.  Afterward she met and married Stephen Mitchell whose translated book on The Tao is an international bestseller. A Thousand Names for Joy is a combination of her wisdom and the Tao.

Katie talks about the most essential issues that face us all: life and death, good and evil, love, work, and fulfillment. With her stories of total ease in all circumstances, she does more than describe the awakened mind; she lets you see it, feel it, in action.